Tuesday 13 February 2018

essay 1

Hola! The Spanish culture and customs are very unique and make them

stand out from a lot of other countries. From the way they say hello, or perceive

pain, to the different types of food and traditions they follow. We’ll start with a

Spaniards greeting. In general, physical contact is much more common in

Spanish cultures than for example in the Northern countries of Europe or in the

United States. In Latin America and Spain men and woman greet each other with

“besitos” which means that they will briefly touch their cheeks to each other and

make a kissing sound with their lips. It doesn’t matter if they are good friends or if

they are meeting for the first time, the cheek kissing is a universal form of

greeting. One should also keep in mind to go for the right cheek first, this will

keep from an awkward encounter. As most people know, the most common

language that is spoken is Spanish. If you don’t speak the same language it may

be hard to interpret what I Spaniard is saying. In our working environment in it is

very important that you can understand the patient, so getting a translator for

someone who only speaks Spanish may be necessary. Pain in Spanish is, dolor.

In most Spanish-speaking countries, the majority of medications can be

purchased without a prescription from a doctor. This often leads to misdiagnoses

and wrongfully administered medications. Because of this, many Hispanic

patients will be wary about what is prescribed to them, and will need an

explanation of how the particular medication is going to help them. Proper names

are not used often for medications, so when prescribing medications to the

patient, besides translating the name or type of the medication, it is important to

translate what the medication dose. Most Hispanic families will not schedule

regular check-ups for their babies and young children. In their culture, it doesn’t

make sense to bring in their child if nothing is wrong with him/her. Likewise,

adults often will not schedule routine check-ups for themselves either. Doctor

visits are scheduled if something is wrong with the patient.

In most Spanish cultures, food is not only a necessity, it is also a symbol

of love, family, nurturing and more. Meals are a very important family time and

sharing food with loved ones is a caring gesture. It is common for food to be

brought as gifts for loved ones in the hospital. Doctors who prohibit their patients

from eating certain foods may be seen as disrespectful and rude. If dietary

changes need to be made, the importance of these changes need to be

discussed not only with the patient, but also with the family, emphasizing why it is

crucial for the wellbeing of the patient. Latino Americans have a very different

view when it comes to body image. Their culture is not as focused on achieving

the thin frames of models and celebrities. In fact often times a little excess weight

may even be celebrated and regarded as a sign of well-being.

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